Britannica ImageQuest

The world’s most respected media libraries, curated into one safe database for education.

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Access the world’s best rights-cleared images and videos

Britannica ImageQuest brings your lessons, assignments and projects to life with millions of images and videos from over 60 leading collections not freely available on the Web.

Together with Bridgeman Art Gallery, Getty Images, the Science Photo Library, Ingram Publishing and other trusted media libraries around the world, Britannica is bringing the best and broadest collection of curriculum-relevant visual texts to your learning space – all rights-cleared for educational, non-commercial use.

For Younger Learners

Britannica ImageQuest Jr.

The safe and engaging visual learning platform for PreK-5 students and teachers.

Ensure Safe Exploration

Safety is our top priority, making ImageQuest Jr. the go-to platform for institutions who want a secure and worry-free browsing experience for younger learners.

Enrich Lessons with Vibrant Visuals

Thousands of carefully hand-selected, rights-cleared images and videos bring subjects to life.

Foster Student Creativity

Engaging and easy-to-use, ImageQuest Jr. empowers students to explore a wide range of subjects visually, nurturing creativity, imagination and curiosity from an early age.

Customise Learning

Curate tailored, subject-specific albums for seamless classroom integration and customised learning experiences.

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One resource, many uses

  • School or Public Library Staff: PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, multimedia reports, student newspapers, flyers and school websites.
  • Higher Ed: Course development, university publications, faculty research, student projects and student web pages.

Special features

Complete metadata

Complete metadata for each image helps students learn both the importance of citations and how to use them accurately. Citation metadata is updated regularly to reflect changes in standards (such as the MLA 8 recent change in format).

Image albums

Project ideas and image galleries offer an immediate jump-start for discovery and spark additional applications for use.

Filter results

Finding the perfect image is easy. You can filter results by keyword, collection, image type, and image ratio.

My Britannica

Log in to your individual My Britannica account to save and organise your favourite media! Great for accessing ImageQuest from home.

Share or download

Images and videos can be downloaded to your computer desktop or Google drive, shared or printed.

Apps and integrations

Integration with Britannica School, Britannica Library, and Britannica Academic offers a streamlined ability to explore millions of related images right from the search results page (requires subscriptions to both databases).

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