Teaching with Britannica LaunchPacks: Energy from Waves and Tides

‘Teaching with Britannica LaunchPacks’ is a series of lesson plans that aim to help students explore impactful topics using content and tools from Britannica LaunchPacks.

Within each lesson plan teachers will find learning outcomes, step by step procedures, connections and links to learning resources from Britannica LaunchPacks, as well as worksheets and assessments.

Energy from Waves and Tides

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, as they are known, address global challenges like poverty, inequality and climate change and serve as a blueprint to a more sustainable future.

As a global education leader, working to support students in becoming lifelong learners and citizens of the world, Britannica educators have partnered with the United Nations Global Goals to call upon schools, educators and students to amplify, reflect and act on these challenges that affect every one of us.

The following lesson will teach students about the responsible stewardship of our oceans by investigating how waves and tides can be harnessed to provide a renewable source of energy. It supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water – to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Teaching with Britannica LaunchPacks: Energy from Waves and Tides

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This lesson refers to content and tools found in the “Ocean Waves & Tide” Pack from Britannica LaunchPacks: Science. Contact your librarian to find out if your school already has access. Find out more about Britannica LaunchPacks or set up your own free trial.

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