Britannica School is the most comprehensive source of factual information, written specifically for students of all ages and reading abilities.
Britannica School is transformed for the needs of teachers and students today.
Engage your students with people and events that are uniquely significant to them. We are building a growing collection of articles and media on important local topics, sourced from writers, educators and organisations in the Asia Pacific region.
Browse full list of articles aligned to Australia and New Zealand curriculums.
It is more important than ever to ensure students have equitable access to learning. Britannica School is entirely cloud-based, which means it doesn’t need special software to run. Your students can access Britannica School on any device with an Internet connection. Content can also be downloaded or printed for offline use.
Britannica School can be integrated with most popular learning and library management systems, so your teachers and students can easily log in and access all content and features straight away, even from home.
Safeguard learning with a reliable source that students can always refer to. Britannica School is the trusted source of information for millions of students and teachers around the world, with balanced, current and rigorously fact-checked information compiled by subject matter experts.
Be assured that every child is supported, even while learning in a group. Britannica School articles are available in 4 adjustable reading levels and come with inbuilt accessibility tools like read aloud and full-text translation.
Engage your students with people and events that are uniquely significant to them. We are building a growing collection of articles and media on important local topics, sourced from writers, educators and organisations in the Asia Pacific region.
Browse full list of articles aligned to Australia and New Zealand curriculums.
It is more important than ever to ensure students have equitable access to learning. Britannica School is entirely cloud-based, which means it doesn’t need special software to run. Your students can access Britannica School on any device with an Internet connection. Content can also be downloaded or printed for offline use.
Britannica School can be integrated with most popular learning and library management systems, so your teachers and students can easily log in and access all content and features straight away, even from home.
Safeguard learning with a reliable source that students can always refer to. Britannica School is the trusted source of information for millions of students and teachers around the world, with balanced, current and rigorously fact-checked information compiled by subject matter experts.
Be assured that every child is supported, even while learning in a group. Britannica School articles are available in 4 adjustable reading levels and come with inbuilt accessibility tools like read aloud and full-text translation.
Engage your students with people and events that are uniquely significant to them. We are building a growing collection of articles and media on important local topics, sourced from writers, educators and organisations in the Asia Pacific region.
Browse full list of articles aligned to Australia and New Zealand curriculums.
Britannica School has successfully qualified to be part of the Safer Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) Product Badge Program in 2022.
Give your students the freedom to safely delve into any topic that sparks their interest. Britannica School is filled with interactive tools that make discovery rewarding and fun.
From Animals to Technology, your gateway to learning about any topic.
Browse a rich collection of primary source documents, journal texts, images, videos and audios to enhance the learning experience for all ages.
Discover interesting people from past and present. Search by nationality, gender, era or field of accomplishment.
Explore animals by group, habitat or simply from A-Z. Click on related links and learn intriguing facts.
Hone your students’ media literacy skills with access to age-appropriate news feeds and daily headlines.
Compare and contrast any two countries with side-by-side statistics, graphs, maps, charts, articles and media.
A robust learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of PreK–2 students and educators.
Britannica School: Early Primary offers a safe, age-appropriate learning environment to inspire the next generation of learners.
Place the power of discovery and exploration at the fingertips of younger learners, with an engaging, easy-to-use interface.
Access highly engaging, non-fiction content designed for beginning readers, with levelled articles and natural audio read-aloud.
Explore frequently-updated resources for Britannica School, including video tutorials, lesson ideas, activities, and worksheets.
Help students develop their own understanding of Remembrance Day through the study of various media types.
Find out moreTeach the impact that bushfires have on native wildlife and the importance of conservation.
Find out moreFun Earth Science investigations to help children learn more about the planet we live on!
Find out moreYou can now see Britannica School content at the top of your regular search results. Britannica School Insights is a free browser extension to help foster students’ information literacy (how?) and boost resource uptake.
Find out more Installation Guide
You can now see Britannica School content at the top of your regular search results. Britannica School Insights is a free browser extension to help foster students’ information literacy (how?) and boost resource uptake.
Find out more Installation Guide
You can now see Britannica School content at the top of your regular search results. Britannica School Insights is a free browser extension to help foster students’ information literacy (how?) and boost resource uptake.
Find out more Installation Guide
You can now see Britannica School content at the top of your regular search results. Britannica School Insights is a free browser extension to help foster students’ information literacy (how?) and boost resource uptake.
Find out more Installation Guide
You can now see Britannica School content at the top of your regular search results. Britannica School Insights is a free browser extension to help foster students’ information literacy (how?) and boost resource uptake.
Find out more Installation Guide
Teacher-Librarian - Lilly Pilly Learning Centre, AB Paterson College
Teacher-Librarian - Lilly Pilly Learning Centre, AB Paterson College
Teacher-Librarian - Lilly Pilly Learning Centre, AB Paterson College
Teacher-Librarian - Lilly Pilly Learning Centre, AB Paterson College
Teacher-Librarian - Lilly Pilly Learning Centre, AB Paterson College