The Nobel Prize: Resources for Public Libraries

Every October, the world collectively pays attention as the recipients of an award called the Nobel Prize are announced.

Now there’s an interactive way for patrons of all ages to delve into Nobel history. Using Britannica Library’s Biographies tool, your library visitors can easily learn more about the story behind the Nobel Prize and track down some of their favourite Nobel laureates.

For younger patrons, why not pique their curiosity with some fun activities? Each activity provides research guidance and step-by-step instructions for using the Biographies tool.

About the Nobel Prize

Despite inventing dynamite, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel was a strong opponent of violence and war. Upon his death, he set aside some of his fortune to create the Nobel Prizes, a group of awards honouring accomplishments that have benefited humankind.

Today, the Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the most prestigious award given for intellectual achievement in the world. Winners (or laureates) are selected for outstanding achievement in six areas: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace and economics.

The Nobel Prizes were first awarded on December 10, 1901, the fifth anniversary of Nobel’s death. They have since been given every December 10 when possible.


Print out these activities for children to complete on their own or in groups, using Britannica Library and the instructions provided. Worksheets can also be downloaded, shared and completed online.

Who Created the Nobel Prize worksheet

Who Created the Nobel Prize

Research the creator of the Nobel Prize using Britannica Library’s Biographies tool and the following filters: Era = 1500-1899; Culture/Nationality = Swede; Known For = Nobel Prize (all); Gender = Male. (Hint: Scroll to the last entry on the results page.)

Download Worksheet


Past Winners Biography Profile Worksheet

Past Winners Biography Profile

Use the Biographies tool again but only use the filter: Known For = Nobel Prize (all). Select one of the returned results and create a Biography Profile for the winner of this illustrious prize.

Download Worksheet


Who Am I? Part 1 Worksheet

Who Am I? Part 1

Use Britannica Library’s Biography tool and the sets of clues to lead you to the name of past winners.

Download Worksheet


Who Am I? Part 2 worksheet

Who Am I? Part 2

Create some clues of your own for a past winner and ask a friend to guess.

Download Worksheet



Featured Image from BRITANNICA LIBRARY: The obverse side of the Nobel Prize medals for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature. Photo by: Berndt-Joel Gunnarsso—Nordic Photos/age fotostock. Accessed 20 Oct. 2021.

These activities and resources have been created using content from Britannica Library, the go-to site for safe, comprehensive research for all ages. Find out if your library already has access or set up your own free trial.

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