Teaching with Britannica School: The World’s Cultural Diversity

September 15, 2021

‘Teaching with Britannica School’ is a series of lesson plans that aim to help students explore impactful topics using content and tools from Britannica School.

Within each lesson plan teachers will find learning outcomes, step by step procedures, connections and links to learning resources from Britannica School, as well as worksheets and assessments. See other lesson plans in this series.

The World’s Cultural Diversity

As educators, the discussions we have to have on diversity are getting more complex as fast as they are becoming more critical. In the current global climate, how can we help students unpack the concept of diversity in ways that they can easily understand?

To support multicultural education initiatives in Australian schools, these inquiry-based lessons will help teachers promote inclusivity and intercultural understanding among students.

This collection of four, 45 minute lessons address topics from Indigenous Populations to the heterogenous influences on Australian culture. Each lesson is supported by a compilation of age-appropriate articles and media from Britannica School and other trusted sources, that explore different aspects of cultural diversity from global and regional perspectives.

This lesson supports UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.

A region-specific version of the lesson plan is available for educators in Australia. To download your copy, click the “Download Lesson” button and select the PDF document for your appropriate region:

Teaching with Britannica School: World's Cultural Diversity

Download Lesson


These activities and resources have been created using content from Britannica School, the go-to site for safe, comprehensive student research. Contact your librarian to find out if your institution already has access. Find out more about Britannica School or set up your own free trial.

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